Manager's Gameday Responsibilities

1. Review and commit to performing the responsibilities listed below

2. Consent to background check and complete SafeSport and concussion training.

a. This involves providing your full name, DOB, address, email, and cell for background check

b. This is required by USA Softball (our governing body) to be done before practices and games can begin

3. Be mindful that your practice time will be based on the age of the division, so the younger kids practice at 4pm or maybe 5pm, while the oldest kids may practice as late as 8-9pm.

4. Review rules for your league and division; afterwards, email a confirmation to your division VP that you’ve done so

5. Attend evaluations for your division (both original and possibly makeup)

a. NOTE: this is also where managers will be shown how to prep a field before a game and can ask questions about drills for running practices

6. Draft team (except 6U, where teams will formed by division VP Colby Cano)

a. NOTE: the draft is a great opportunity to ask the softball commissioner and/or division VP any questions you might have about anything related to running your team – they are there to help!

7. Initiate contact with your team (either by email, GameChanger, or other messaging app).

a. Let them know that the league recommends that all girls wear a defensive face shield during practices and games to prevent serious facial injury.

b. Remind team that the time of games and practices is largely based on the age of the child. For instance, 8U practices are typically only allowed at 4 or 5pm, while 14U will likely be the last practice of the day.

8. Recruit assistant coaches (ideally at least 2), plus a team parent, scorekeeper, and field helper.

a. Obtain and provide their full name, DOB, address, email, and cell for background check and SafeSport for your assistant coaches. The team parent, scorekeeper, and field helper don’t need to do the background check and SafeSport unless they will be helping in the dugout during games or helping during practices.

i. NOTE: no one may be in the dugout or helping with the girls in any way unless they are fully compliant with both background check and SafeSport

ii. “Team parent” – coordinates messaging for the team, banner, snack schedule, gift basket for Opening Day, etc

iii. “Scorekeeper” – records the score and plays as accurately as possible in GameChanger; also runs the digital scoreboard at AG and Good Stuff fields

iv. “Field Helper” –drags the dirt, waters the dirt, chalks the lines, checks for trash or safety issues before every game; can recruit other parents to help; this allows the manager and assistant coaches to focus on warming up the players before the game

9. Attend managers meeting, which is designed to explain manager expectations for the season and provide overall information related to the league; this is also a forum to ask any questions you might have

10. Attend managers skill training, usually a 3 hour time commitment on a Saturday, run by professional coaches to help you get ideas for running practices and developing your skills. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, January 28 at the softball field at El Segundo’s Recreation Park.

11. Work with scheduler and other managers to obtain practice times, being as flexible as possible

a. NOTE: reach out to team to see if everyone can attend practice times. If so, work with division VP to resolve the issue (such as having girl practice with another team)

12. After you have passed the background check and SafeSport, begin practices.

13. Meet equipment manager at designated time and place to pick up league equipment, including catcher gear (loan) and box of balls (for you to use and keep)

a. NOTE: Bring a check made out to Redondo Sunset as security against lost or damaged equipment

14. Protect your players by only allowing adults to help you have confirmed with your division VP or other designated league official that that adult has passed the background check and completed SafeSport

15. Run practices. It is a good idea to chart out some ideas for the drills or skills you want to work on before practice. Rely on ideas from division VP and from managers’ training.

16. Run practices with an emphasis on safety, enjoyment, and skill development. Run different stations if possible, and keep the girls as physically active. Rarely, if ever, is it productive to have all of your kids in the field at their positions like in a simulated game.

a. NOTE: only one child may be in a batting cage at a time

b. NOTE: the door to the cages should be closed to the outside while a girl is swinging on the inside

17. Attend Opening Day with team.

a. This is usually also team picture day

b. Usually this event occurs a few weeks into the season, in early March

c. Plan on being at the field most of the day with your family and team for various activities and trainings

18. Attend and manage games. Arrive early to warm up the kids – I recommend telling people to arrive one hour early. Have a lineup card filled out with names and jersey number of each kid in lineup for the opposing manager.

a. NOTE: field prep is the responsibility of both teams. This includes dragging the dirt, putting out the bases, and chalking the field (this will be explained at evaluations). Your field helper should do this so that you and your assistant coaches can warm up the girls.

b. NOTE: consider using a revolving lineup (where the same lineup is kept all year, and you start with the girl was the left on deck at your last game) keeps the number of at bats for kids even and builds goodwill with parents

c. NOTE: there are specific rules about infield and outfield play requirements, but please remember that should rotate girls to give them all an equal chance to develop skills (subject to safety concerns). As the season ends, and depending on the age of the girls, then you can start slotting girls into more specific spots in anticipation of Beach Cup competitive tournament at the end of the season

d. NOTE: go out of your way not to favor your child. Be mindful that parents will notice if it appears your are giving your child special treatment with playing time or batting order.

19. After games, find a positive way to compliment the girls before sending them home. A good Redondo cheer (or team name) is a good way to end games and practices

20. Stay in contact with parents during the season, including encouraging them to send their kids to Redondo Sunset’s FREE clinics held at the field for further skill development

21. Later in the season, start preparing for Beach Cup tournament (8U and up) by using your optimal lineup and fielding position a little more often. This is the prepare the girls (and parents) for Beach Cup, a competitive tournament where the goal is actually to win the games (unlike in the regular season, where the main goal is skill development). This also prepares girls who will play in All-Stars for the more competitive style of play.

22. Attend Closing ceremonies with team at the end of the season.

23. THANK YOU!!!! You’ll have a great time, and you’ll never regret coaching your daughter’s team. She’ll always remember that you did it, too.

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