Adult Slow Pitch Tournament

Thank you for your interest in participating in our first ever Redondo Sunset Adult Slow Pitch Tournament on Sunday, January 26! This registration form is for teams that are fully (or almost fully) formed. If you are an individual and are interested in participating, but need help finding a team to join, please fill out the individual interest form here.

Team Manager

Billing Address(Required)

Team Info

Team Players
Teams are made of 10-12 adults (18 years or older). Minimum of 4 women. Please include the names and emails of as many team members as are currently known. If you’re still filling out your team, you can let us know the names of additional team members by Thursday, January 23 (send additional team member names to ). You can add as many as 12 players by clicking on the plus sign on the right of the row.
First Name
Last Name

Payment Info

Credit Card(Required)
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date

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